

  Doors Open  
7:00 - 7:30 AM Networking & Breakfast  
7:30 - 7:35 AM President's Welcome Message Rosemary Mills
7:35 - 8:45 AM Opening Keynote: The Future of Project Management through the Eyes of the Past Lee Lambert
8:45 - 9:45 AM  Streamline Productivity: AI & the Future of Task Management David Grimsley
10:00 - 10:55 AM

Ethical AI in Project Management: Balancing Innovation with Responsibility 

Tim Furry
11:00 - 12:15 PM Gen AI Masterclass - Part 1: 
Unlocking Productivity Secrets of Project Management
Mashhood Ahmed
12:15 - 1:00 PM Lunch
1:00 - 1:55 PM Revolutionizing Project Workflows with AI-Powered Tools Mei Lin
2:00 - 3:45 PM Gen AI Masterclass - Part 2:
Prompt Engineering for Project Managers
Mashhood Ahmed
4:00 - 5:00 PM Closing Keynote:
Solving Project Overruns with AI
Steve Pieczko
5:00 - 5:30 PM Closing Remarks:
2025 Sneak Peek Video
Mary Hladio
5:30 - 6:30 PM Happy Hour & Networking  

Refer frequently for agenda topic details are subject to change


PDD 2024 Artificial Intelligence & Project Management Topics

Opening Keynote

Session 2

Session 3

Session 4

Session 5

Session 6

Closing Keynote

Lee Lambert: The Future of Project Management through the Eyes of the Past

A Project Management career wasn’t always a career. It once was just a hobby that technical people did in their spare time. How did we get from hobby to career and what’s next? West Michigan’s PMI theme is: Innovate, Adapt, Thrive - Embracing Artificial Intelligence in Modern Project Management. It is a perfect opportunity to examine what the role of the project manager is in achieving successful projects.

Lee Lambert will illustrate how we got here and what comes next for the project manager of the future. This presentation shares the experiences of someone who has been there through it all. More than 46 years of involvement in PMI has exposed the good, the bad, and the ugly. The fact that PMI has grown from one single Chapter in the United States (Houston) to more than 300 chapters worldwide is a testament to the success of this “career” transition. The introduction of the PMP (1.5 million certifies) clearly demonstrates the path the profession is taking, why this has happened, and what should you do to prepare for what comes next.

Following the presentation, attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand how the Project Management "Profession" began;
  • Recognize the importance of the Founder's Passion;
  • Understand the vital keys to the Profession's growth;
  • Identify the personal potential of being a Project Manager;
  • Know what they "don't know";
  • Determine their Professional options;
  • Prepare for their place in the Profession's Future.

David Grimsley: Streamline Productivity - AI & the Future of Task Management

In the dynamic world of project management, staying ahead of the curve is crucial. Traditional task management approaches often need to catch up as project complexities grow and timelines tighten. Enter AI-powered task management – a game-changing solution revolutionizing how project managers work, think, and succeed. This insightful presentation explores how artificial intelligence transforms project management practices, offering project managers' powerful tools to overcome common challenges and drive unprecedented productivity.

Discover how AI capabilities such as machine learning, predictive analytics, and natural language processing are being harnessed to create intelligent systems that can:

  • Prioritize tasks based on project goals, deadlines, and resource availability;
  • Optimize resource allocation and workload distribution across team members;
  • Provide real-time progress tracking and proactive risk management;
  • Offer data-driven insights for informed decision-making;

We'll delve into practical applications of AI in project management, including:

  • Intelligent scheduling and timeline optimization;
  • Automated progress reports and stakeholder communications;
  • Predictive analytics for identifying potential bottlenecks and delays;
  • AI-assisted decision support for complex project scenarios.

Learn how embracing AI-powered task management can elevate your role as a project manager. It allows you to focus on strategic thinking and visionary leadership while AI handles the tactical details.

Gain valuable insights into the future of project management and discover how you can leverage AI to deliver projects more efficiently, reduce risks, and drive better outcomes for your organization.

Tim Furry: Ethical AI in Project Management: Balancing Innovation with Responsibility

In this session, we'll delve into the critical importance of AI ethics and its relevance to project managers. Attendees will gain a comprehensive understanding of AI ethics, the distinction between moral/ethical issues and legal ones, and the major ethical challenges posed by AI, including privacy, intellectual property, bias, and safety.

The talk will also equip project managers with practical tools and questions to effectively address and navigate ethical concerns in AI projects.

Tim will provide valuable guidance on integrating ethical considerations into project management practices, ensuring responsible and innovative use of AI technologies. Learners will know what AI ethics are and why they matter in using and designing socio-technical AI systems.

The session's objectives are for learners to understand the difference between moral/ethical and legal issues and how and why that distinction matters.

Learners will understand the major ethical issues AI raises, e.g., privacy, intellectual property, bias, and safety, and identify their potential impact on PM. Learners will be equipped to identify and ask salient questions when dealing with AI ethical concerns in PM.

Mashhood Ahmed: Gen AI Masterclass Part 1 - Unlocking Productivity Secrets for Project Managers

In this presentation, we will explore the essential skillsets and mindsets needed to thrive during the generative AI disruption, focusing on how adaptability and AI literacy are the keys to navigating this transformative era.

Attendees will gain a solid understanding of AI fundamentals, from machine learning to generative models, and how these technologies are reshaping industries. We’ll dive into the impact of AI on business and project management functions, highlighting the ways that AI can automate routine tasks, optimize decision-making, and enhance efficiency.

Additionally, we’ll examine AI for rudimentary tasks, demonstrating how businesses can leverage AI to free up human resources for more strategic initiatives.

Lastly, we’ll provide insights into the Gen AI marketplace landscape, offering an overview of the leading platforms and tools driving this AI revolution.

  • Impact of AI on business;
  • AI for Rudimentary Tasks;
  • Gen AI Tools available;
  • What is Prompting?
  • Prompt Categories

Mei Lin: Embrace AI or Be Left Behind

This session will explore the transformative potential of Microsoft Copilot 365 and Copilot Studio in project management. These AI-powered tools are designed to streamline workflows, improve efficiency, and drive successful project outcomes by automating tasks, providing intelligent insights, and enhancing collaboration.

The session will include practical demonstrations and use cases to showcase how these tools can be integrated into everyday project management practices.

The session's objectives are to understand Microsoft Copilot 365 capabilities and grasp the functionalities and advantages of Microsoft Copilot 365 in project management.

  • Identify Features of Copilot Studio;
  • Recognize the key features and benefits of Copilot Studio for creating custom AI assistants;
  • Apply AI Tools in Real-World Scenarios;
  • Implement Microsoft Copilot 365 and Copilot Studio in practical project management situations to boost productivity and collaboration;
  • Integrate AI Tools into Existing Processes;
  • Develop strategies to incorporate AI tools into current project management processes to enhance performance and outcomes

Mashhood Ahmed: Gen AI Masterclass Part 2 - Prompt Engineering for Project Managers

In the "Gen AI Masterclass Session 2 - Prompt Engineering for Project Managers", participants will dive deep into the art of prompting — the practice of crafting inputs to guide AI-generated responses effectively.

The session will cover various prompt categories, detailing how different prompts can be tailored for specific project management tasks. Attendees will learn the elements of a good prompt, including how to structure inputs for clarity, precision, and the desired response tone.

We’ll also explore advanced prompting techniques, addressing common challenges with prompts that can arise when interacting with AI.

To solidify understanding, the session includes hands-on exercises where participants will use their laptops or tablets to practice real-time prompting.

Additionally, the session will introduce the concept of Custom GPTs, allowing project managers to build AI models tailored to their specific workflows and needs.

  • Elements of Good Prompt;
  • Response Tone;
  • Prompting Techniques;
  • Hands on Exercises;
  • Custom GPTs

Steve Pieczko: Solving Project Overruns with AI

In the 1990s, autonomous driving symbolized our vision of AI, now realized with Tesla's Full Self-Driving v12 and upcoming Autonomous Taxi Cabs. This progress reshapes AI expectations, especially in project management, where AI augments Project Managers' decision-making while automating traditional roles.

Reflecting on AI's role in Criminal Linguistic Analysis, concepts like Natural Language Processing have broadened, as seen in ChatGPT's industry impact. Future prospects include General AI and Hybrid Reasoning Models, potentially surpassing human cognition, with Explainer AI providing decision insights.

My career from personal computing to AI highlights relentless innovation. Early marvels like text-to-speech have given way to today's AI workforce integration, evoking both anticipation and caution. Elon Musk's warnings about AI's risks underscore its vast potential. As we advance in AI, we must approach the future with curiosity and vigilance, responsibly harnessing AI's power for progress rather than peril.