Dr. Ledlow stopped by the booth we were setting up, with Hobbs the Huskie. He is the current Principal for Portage Northern High School and Hobbs is their therapy dog. From WMPMI (wmpmi.org) 9-12 Academic Outreach, we were able to join in the Career ExpoApril 18, 2024.
Over 40 high schoolers, stopped by our booth, crowding the seating arrangement and standing around our booth, asking all curious questions. They ranged from freshmen to seniors. Their career interests ranged over the spectrum you can think of.
We were there to talk about Project Management as a career path and the certifications with PMI that help grow in this career. We also wanted for them to know - there are PMI programs for high school students that prepare them to get the first certification soon as they graduate high school. That alone can kick start an aspiring professional career for a youngster that pays around 50k; it only goes up from there. Thanks a ton to Patricia Brown-May, MBA, PMP and Steve Pieczko who, in a really short notice, made it easy for me to run the show.
WMPMI Team Volunteering in PNHS Career Expo, April 2024
I predicted, and saw the clear proof, that not a lot of young students, and even their adult mentors, are aware that Project Management (PM) is now a long term career path and a high in demand job in today’s market. Only 2 students expressed familiarity with this role. Sounds like a job security for us, doesn't it? It is a loss for the employers though. At this point in time, most Fortune companies are driving their growth targets in a project based model. The demand is in every industry and hence the compensation is lucrative as well. Here is some quick information from a 2023 survey in 21 countries from 20 thousand PM practitioners:
- 33% reported higher median salaries on average
- 66% received an increase in total compensation
- 61% received a raise of 5% or higher
- Many found PMP certification a significant contributor to their career growth.
In addition, another not-so-known fact is the diversity of skillsets and degrees that are welcome in the world of project management. Most of the students were not aware that a engineer, a finance professional, a software developer, a construction contractor, a healthcare professional - all can choose to become project managers. We were able to convey that message and highlight that the role of a PM requires its own competence and professionalism, which in turn, contributes to its demand and higher pay. We also brought up that many of the PM roles have remote work opportunity, which seems like an incentive these days for the new generations coming into the work force.
For me, personally, it was a blast! As always, I got energy from public speaking, got energized from meeting all the young minds and and their interactions. Also felt fulfilled from sharing knowledge with them and inspiring them to a prosperous opportunity that is there. As I used my props– a car, a surgical helmet, a flash light and an imaginary bank product – to drive the conversation on how a project manager adds value in launching a new product or an improvement, it was amazing to see how their thoughts lit up.
Talking on value addition by a PM for launching a new car model
Even though the concept was new to most of them, they started asking the right questions and were calibrating the concept in the scale of competitive jobs they had in mind:
- Where can one work with that certification?
- What do they do everyday?
- What kind of degree does one need to become a PM?
- Does Western Michigan (the local university) offer a degree on this?
- What are the work hours like?
- Does it pay well?
It was great to see their curiosity and engagement. My take away was:
The high schools have this wide open opportunity to publicize/ popularize Project Management as one of the top jobs in today's corporate market and top skillset in any venture.
WMPMI 9-12 Academic Outreach is ready to bring this to all the interested high schools.
The event was participated by many popular companies, including Fortune 500 ones and Military. Dr. Ledlow appreciated our initiative of bringing the PM concept to high schoolers. Organizers from PNHSdid an impressive job setting up the floor with logistics and accessories needed. At the end, one of them commented, "Your booth looked busy the whole time." Meanwhile, a couple of other presenters stopped by and shared their interest in taking PMP certification exam. It was really fulfilling for us to give back!
Author: Nadia Sunny
Director, Academic Outreach - 9-12 HS
WMPMI Chapter Board
email: 912director@wmpmi.org
Stay informed with the health advisories and community information regarding COVID-19:
GRAND RAPIDS, MI: This morning, Fox 17 in Grand Rapids interviewed WMPMI Chapter President Kinga Winiarska about the chapter's upcoming events featuring veteran speakers. Kinga emphasized that all November events are free for all veterans and active military. Please click the link below to view the interview.
FREE PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT FOR VETERANS AND SERVICE MEMBERS Upcoming events highlight military veterans thriving in the field of project management
GRAND RAPIDS, MI: This November, to coincide with Veterans Day, the Western Michigan chapter of the Project Management Institute (WMPMI) will host its 5th annual Veterans Month. Offerings include three events presented by military veterans, and all veterans and active service members will receive complimentary registration, including a free meal for inperson attendees, by using the promo code ‘VETERAN2021’.
WMPMI is pleased to once again be hosting some in-person events at The University Club in downtown Grand Rapids, though all sessions can still be attended virtually (a COVID-friendly option that also makes the meetings very accessible to anyone outside the greater Grand Rapids area). As always, WMPMI events are open to the public and participants with existing PMI certifications can earn valuable continuing education credits.
November’s topics and presenters will include:
Project Planning & Management: Applying military strategy & tactics to projects Monday, Nov. 8 | 5 - 8 p.m. (in-person & virtual registration options) Speaker: Williamson (Billy) Wallace, J.D. - Director of Criminal Justice Training, GVSU
Project Management Beyond the Military Friday, Nov. 12 | 12 - 1 p.m. (in-person & virtual registration options) Speaker: Patrick J. Doliny, MBA - Sr. VP of IT and Cyber Security, Bang Energy
Transform Your Career Friday, Nov. 19 | 8 - 9 a.m. (virtual event) Speaker: John Doran, PMP, PMI-ACP - Regional Mentor, Project Management Institute
Visit the WMPMI events calendar at https://wmpmi.org/ to register for these sessions or to learn more about November’s meeting presenters and content.
About WMPMI: WMPMI was established in 1993 to support the project management profession. The chapter began with about 100 members and today has hundreds of active members throughout the west side of the state, ranging from as far north as the U.P. to just south of Benton Harbor. The organization is run completely by volunteers, supported by sponsors, and holds several educational and networking events each month. Annual events include an all-day educational Professional Development Day and THEProject, a collegiate project management competition. Learn more about WMPMI and the project management profession at WMPMI.org.
October 5, 2021 Press Release
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT FOR WEST MICHIGAN PROJECT MANAGERS Gain project management insights and engage virtually with professionals in the region!
GRAND RAPIDS, MI: The global economy will need 25 million new project professionals by 2030 to keep up with growing demand for initiatives that involve major disruption, short timelines, and new ways of working. Locally in west Michigan, PMI Western Michigan Chapter (WMPMI) is hosting its annual Professional Development Day (PDD) for project managers and others in the field, as well as anyone with interest in this high-demand industry.
This year's PDD, on Tuesday, October 12 from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. EDT, is entirely virtual and will deliver timely content by high-quality presenters. The event is open to the public, and participants with existing PMI certifications can earn valuable continuing education credits. The day’s topics and presenters will include:
Working Smarter with PMI Speaker: Brantlee Underhill - Managing Director, PMI North America
Titanic - Lesson in Risk Management Speaker: Bill Flanagan - Senior Instructor, Knowledge Source Inc.
What Does it Mean to be Agile? Speaker: Tim Nolan - Sr. Application Manager, Collin County TX
How to Avoid Cyber Security Risk at Work and at Home Speaker: Scott Augenbaum - Cybercrime Prevention Trainer, retired FBI
Agile and Lean - Closer Than You May Think Panelists from Steelcase: Bob Dougherty - Agile Portfolio Office | Dean Hubbard - Sr. Project Manager | Tim Schipper - Lean Management Office
Visit https://wmpmi.org/professional-development-day to register for the October 12, 2021 event or to learn more about the presenters, content, and pricing. Individuals may register up to and on the day of the PDD. Group discounts are applicable to groups of individuals from the same company or organization.
About WMPMI: WMPMI was established in 1993 to support the project management profession. The chapter began with about 100 members and today has hundreds of active members throughout the west side of the state, ranging from as far north as the U.P. to just south of Benton Harbor. The organization is run completely by volunteers, supported by sponsors, and holds several educational and networking events each month. Annual events include an all-day educational Professional Development Day and THEProject, a collegiate project management competition. Learn more about WMPMI and the project management profession at WMPMI.org.
April 5, 2021 Press Release
ANNOUNCING 10TH ANNUAL WESTERN MICHIGAN COLLEGIATE COMPETITION Students Can Win Cash Prizes on the Way to Becoming Future Project Managers
GRAND RAPIDS, MI: On Monday, April 12 from 5-7 p.m., PMI Western Michigan Chapter (WMPMI) will host its 10th annual THEProject event. This event is a collegiate competition that introduces young adults to the field of project management via reality-based project scenarios, mentoring, and cash prizes. In order to best support and spotlight the student competitors, this year WMPMI is offering complimentary registration to this virtual event and award ceremony.
In partnership with colleges and universities throughout western Michigan including the Upper Peninsula, each spring WMPMI invites students to form small teams to develop and present their project plan addressing a specific competition scenario. In 2021 multiple teams from the collegiate competitors at Cornerstone University, Ferris State University, and Michigan Technological University were tasked with crafting a university’s response to conditions similar to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Teams are paired with a PMPⓇ (Project Management Professional) certified advisor who provides guidance and helps the students to transform their solutions into a comprehensive project plan using industry-standard processes. Presentations will be scored on the team’s use of formal project management techniques, caliber of the solution, and quality of the written project plan, with cash prizes awarded to several of the top-scoring teams.
Over the last decade WMPMI has continually evolved THEProject in order to reach and inspire the next generation of project managers. This competition provides a unique opportunity for students to develop leadership and communication skills, and a platform to showcase those strengths while making contacts with business and community leaders. The event also provides all participants with networking and professional development opportunities, including continuing education credits for those in the project management field.
About WMPMI: PMI Western Michigan Chapter (WMPMI) was established in 1993 to support the project management profession in west Michigan. The chapter began with about 100 members and today we have over 800 active members throughout the west side of the state, ranging from the Upper Peninsula to south of Benton Harbor. The organization is run completely by volunteers, supported by sponsors, and hosts several educational and networking events each month. Annual events include Professional Development Day and THEProject collegiate competition. Learn more about WMPMI and the project management profession at WMPMI.org.
October 22, 2020 Press Release
FREE PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT FOR VETERANS AND SERVICEMEMBERS Virtual events highlighting veteran presenters and free to veterans & active service members
As this unprecedented year winds down, Project Management Institute – Western Michigan Chapter (WMPMI) is pleased to reflect on a 2020 spent nourishing our members and communities. By rapidly adapting to all-virtual events in March, we were able to offer an uninterrupted flow of valuable meeting content, workshops, and networking opportunities as well as access to free and reduced-price continuing education credits. Some highlight events from 2020 include:
February - Roger Haskett Leadership Workshop
April - THEProject Annual Collegiate Project Management Competition
May - Women’s Month
August - Virtual “Foodraiser” Benefiting Feeding America West Michigan
September - Virtual Networking Happy Hour
October - Professional Development Day (PDD)
Now WMPMI is capping off the year with its 4th annual Veterans Month in November, where veterans and active duty service members are invited to receive complimentary registration to the following on-topic virtual sessions. The speakers at each event are veterans themselves who will draw upon their own experiences, passion, and lessons learned from military life.
Monday, Nov. 9 - From Military Service to Project Management (Virtual Dinnertime Meeting)
Session 1 - The Battlefield to the Boardroom: How adjusting my mindset and creating goals changed my life
Jaclyn (Jax) Scott
Founder | Cyber Expert | Tech Blogger
Session 2 - My Path from Military Service to Coaching Agile Transformations
Derek Beck
President and CEO of Blue Summit Consulting Group, LLC
Friday, Nov. 13 - Motivating Change: A journey from military to corporate life and the motivational lessons learned along the way (Virtual Lunchtime Meeting)
Joseph Hanley
Sales Inventory and Operation Planning (SIOP) Lead at Dematic
Friday, Nov. 20 - Managing Project Managers: Using military lessons and teachings in project management (Virtual Breakfast Time Meeting)
Bob Clarkson
Director of Operations at DLN Integrated Systems
Visit the WMPMI Event Calendar at https://wmpmi.org/ to register for these events or to learn more about November’s meeting presenters and content.
And from the news... September 28, 2020
GRAND RAPIDS, MI: This morning, WoodTV 8 in Grand Rapids reported on how the area has been affected by COVID-19 as it relates to development projects. The story, Growing Grand Rapids and beyond: How COVID-19 hit 20 projects in 2020, and accompanying video can be viewed at:
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT FOR WEST MICHIGAN PROJECT MANAGERS An enriching, engaging virtual session to get you through the pandemic and beyond!
GRAND RAPIDS, MI: Western Michigan Project Management Institute (WMPMI) is hosting its annual Professional Development Day (PDD) from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. EDT on Tuesday, October 13. PDDs are dedicated to learning and networking, with an agenda designed to cover subjects that are relevant and on-trend in the field of project management.
This year’s event will be entirely virtual while still delivering high-quality content, engaging speakers, and interactive breakout sessions. We have a jam-packed PDD planned, including:
Scan of what’s changing in the field of project management
DISC assessment to uncover your ‘change style’ and insights about how to use this knowledge to your advantage
Hear from speakers who will inspire and energize you for the road ahead
Mingle safely with your peers during the pandemic
Connect with a seasoned recruiter who knows the industry
Complete fun quizzes & win prizes!
Visit https://wmpmi.org/professional-development-day to register for the October 13, 2020 event or to learn more about the presenters, content, and pricing. Individuals may register up to and on the day of the PDD. Group discounts are applicable to groups of individuals from the same company or organization.
2020 Keynote Speaker:
Spencer Horn
President of Altium Leadership
2020 Plenary and Breakout Session Speakers:
Dr. Susan Cain, LCWS
William Johnson, MCT, CPC
Partner at Corporate Learning Institute
Faculty at Corporate Learning Institute
About WMPMI: WMPMI was established in 1993 to support the project management profession. The chapter began with about 100 members and today we have over 1,000 active members throughout the west side of the state, ranging from as far north as the U.P. and all the way south of Benton Harbor. The organization is run completely by volunteers, supported by sponsors, and holds several educational and networking events each month. Annual events include an all-day educational Professional Development Day and THEProject, a collegiate project management competition. Learn more about WMPMI and the project management profession at WMPMI.org.
August 14, 2020 Press Release
NEIGHBORS HELPING NEIGHBORS FIGHT HUNGER Professional Group Hosts Virtual ‘Foodraiser’ Benefiting Feeding America West Michigan
GRAND RAPIDS, MI: The Western Michigan Project Management Institute (WMPMI) is proud to be hosting a virtual ‘foodraiser’ in August to benefit Feeding America West Michigan. In this time of mounting food insecurity due to the economic and social hardships brought about by COVID-19, WMPMI is pleased to offer this convenient, low-touch way of providing tangible support to neighbors in need.
By visiting WMPMI.org, members and non-members can simply click the ‘Shop Now’ link to choose from commonly donated items or select a flat-rate food box. Our goal is to raise 550 pounds of food donations between August 1-31. All donations are tax deductible and will be shipped directly to Feeding America West Michigan, an organization that replenishes food banks throughout west Michigan and is currently facing a food supply deficit.
About WMPMI: WMPMI was established in 1993 to support the project management profession. The chapter began with about 100 members and today we have over 1,000 active members throughout the west side of the state, ranging from as far north as the U.P. and all the way south of Benton Harbor. The organization is run completely by volunteers, supported by sponsors, and holds several educational and networking events each month. Annual events include an all-day educational Professional Development Day and THEProject, a collegiate project management competition. Learn more about WMPMI and the project management profession at WMPMI.org.
June 22, 2020 Press Release
STUDENTS ADAPT AND WIN CASH PRIZES IN ANNUAL COLLEGIATE COMPETITION Young Adults Show Resilience as the Project Managers and Project Leaders of the Future
GRAND RAPIDS, MI: THEProject is the 9th annual collegiate project management competition hosted by Western Michigan Project Management Institute (WMPMI). While undergraduate and graduate students from 6 western Michigan colleges and universities were preparing their final THEProject plans to present to a live panel of judges in April, COVID-19 had other plans for the students and this year’s competition. The students didn’t let that stop them!
As Michigan implemented a “Stay Home, Stay Safe” order at the end of March, teams from Cornerstone University, Ferris State University, Hillsdale College, Grand Valley State University, Michigan Technological University, and Western Michigan University were able to rapidly adapt to all-virtual collaboration in order to finish and submit final presentations under new and unusual circumstances. But it’s that ability to pivot in the face of changing conditions that makes a successful project manager, and this real-world challenge gave everyone involved in THEProject 2020, from competitors to mentors to judges, the opportunity to shine.
This year’s competition scenario is to create a project plan to launch a new School of Project Management, including selecting the program’s curriculum, hiring academic faculty & administrative staff, and addressing any other activities in order to meet the established project deadline. Each team was paired with a PMPⓇ (Project Management Professional) certified mentor to guide the students and help transform their solutions into a comprehensive project plan using processes documented in A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOKⓇ Guide).
THEProject engages students in the practice of project management, develops their leadership abilities, and provides them with opportunities to demonstrate those skills with business and community leaders from western Michigan. Teams were judged on their use of proper project management techniques, the quality of their solutions, and their ability to craft a written project plan. Although COVID-19 prohibited teams from presenting before a live panel of judges as in years past, WMPMI would like to acknowledge and applaud the dedication and perseverance of all of our student competitors who rose to the occasion!
1st Place - $599/Student - Academic Architect Associates, Western Michigan University
2nd Place - $400/Student - Diverse Urbanites, Western Michigan University
3rd Place - $300/Student - PM Back to the Future, Michigan Technological University
4th Place - $250/Student - The PERTfect Team, Michigan Technological University
For more information about THEProject 2020, including a comprehensive competition booklet and all of this year’s winners, please visit WMPMI.org or email THEProject@wmpmi.org.
About WMPMI: WMPMI was established in 1993 to support the project management profession. The chapter began with about 100 members and today we have over 1,000 active members throughout the west side of the state, ranging from as far north as the U.P. and all the way south of Benton Harbor. The organization is run completely by volunteers, supported by sponsors, and holds several educational and networking events each month. Annual events include an all-day educational Professional Development Day and THEProject, a collegiate project management competition. Learn more about WMPMI and the project management profession at WMPMI.org.
April 17, 2020 Press Release
CELEBRATING WOMEN’S VOICES & PERSPECTIVES Women-Led Virtual Development Opportunities Open To The Public In May
GRAND RAPIDS, MI: Many aspects of daily life have rapidly shifted for Michiganders recently, and more so than ever women are required to juggle many roles and change focus from moment to moment. That’s why the Western Michigan Chapter of Project Management Institute (WMPMI) is pleased to highlight women presenters and panelists in the month of May, which coincides with Mother’s Day and Women’s Health Week. We are offering several live virtual events, open to all, which address some of the issues being faced by everyone, regardless of gender or industry. In light of COVID-19 these events are all being offered virtually, either free or at a reduced price.
Virtual Lunch Meeting: Managing Stress and Work/Life Balance Friday, May 8 Beth Tuttle is an emotional Freedom Technique practitioner whose workshop will give participants a better understanding of what fuels stress and anxiety and the impact these can have on your mental and physical health. We will explore techniques and strategies to help you take back control, including simple, effective tools to improve your decision making, increase productivity, connect better with others, and help you to feel more balanced and happy in your everyday life.
Virtual Dinner Meeting: Remote Team Building & Women Leaders in Project Management Monday, May 11 Session 1: Cindy Lewis, PMP, owner of 4 Pillars of Success®, will demonstrate no-cost methods for building relationships with remote teams, and lessons learned from several recent virtual conferences. Bring your ideas and experiences to share so we can learn from each other!
Session 2: Q&A with an all-female panel who will speak about their career journeys and share advice about how to get started or promoted in the male-dominated world of project management. Our panelists have an immense breadth of experience from many industries including IT, law, manufacturing, consulting, training and more.
Workshop: Build and Manage Schedules with Microsoft Project Wednesday, May 13 & Thursday, May 14This one-day workshop has been broken down into two virtual sessions the mornings of May 13 and 14. Cindy Lewis, PMP, owner of 4 Pillars of Success® who has amassed over 25 years of project management experience, will speak about how to effectively build and manage schedules with Microsoft Project. Participants will also gain valuable insight into how features are used to deliver business value.
Virtual Breakfast Meeting: Generation Z in the Workforce Friday, May 15 Madison Deiter, GVSU student studying Management with Information Systems, will discuss generational differences in the workplace and how organizations can utilize technology and unique communication skills to create greater efficiency for individuals and teams.
For more information and to register for events, please visit www.wmpmi.org. As always, all of our offerings are open to the public and participants do not need to be a member of WMPMI.
About WMPMI: WMPMI was established in 1993 to support the project management profession. The chapter began with about 100 members and today we have over 1,000 active members throughout the west side of the state, ranging from as far north as the U.P. and all the way south of Benton Harbor. The organization is run completely by volunteers, supported by sponsors, and holds several educational and networking events each month. Annual events include an all-day educational Professional Development Day and THEProject, a collegiate project management competition. Learn more about WMPMI and the project management profession at WMPMI.org.
November 2019 Press Release
LOCAL PROJECT MANAGEMENT PRO’S SEEK LESSONS FROM VETERANS All speakers are vets & vets and active service get free registration to all events!
GRAND RAPIDS, MI: WMPMI (Western Michigan Chapter, Project Management Institute) is celebrating its 3rd Annual Veterans Month. All regular event speakers for the month of November are Veterans. All Veteran and active service military are able to register for events for free during the month of November as well. Our line-up includes:
Nov. 8 Lunch Speaker:Patrick Adams, U.S. Marine Corps (ret), who served 8 years. He is the Founder and CEO at Patrick Adams Consulting, a Six Sigma Black Belt and Executive Lean Coach. Patrick has trained thousands of successful change agents, and has been actively involved with 60+ organizations. He presents “Structured Problem Solving.”
Nov. 11 Dinner Speakers:Eric Stoll, U.S. Air Force (ret), a decorated combat seasoned and instructor fighter pilot. He is currently a Senior Program Manager at Eaton Corp.s Aerospace group and Robert Heath, Sr., U.S. Marine Corps (ret), a Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal winner for his leadership as a Commander of one of the largest companies in the Marine Corps, and currently a CEO at Legacy Leadership Consulting and bestselling author.
Nov. 15 Breakfast:Lean Coffee: Developing Myself, a fast-paced, interactive discussion with topics that are decided upon by the attendees. Includes delicious buffet breakfast.
"As a veteran myself, I wanted to give our members the valuable perspective on how military experiences have enriched so many business careers,” says Andrew Gill, Former VP Programs, WMPMI and originator of the initiative.
The goal of Veteran Month is to emphasize the fact that many of the skills gained in military service are highly transferable, especially into the field of project management.
This should assure those transitioning from active service into civilian life that they bring a unique set of in-demand skills, while reminding hiring managers that veterans are a highly valuable resource pool for employment. Besides veteran and active service, anyone interested in attending these events is welcome. In fact, WMPMI welcomes non-members to all of their events throughout the year.
About WMPMI: WMPMI was established in 1993 to support the project management profession. It started originally with about 100 members. Today the membership is over 950+ with members throughout West Michigan. It is run completely by volunteers, supported by sponsors, and holds several educational and networking events each month. Annual events include an all-day educational Professional Development Day and THEProject a collegiate project management competition. Learn more about WMPMI at WMPMI.org.