Power Skills

WMPMI's monthly lunchtime meeting is a one-PDU event on a topic from the PMI Talent Triangle. 

Building a Personal Brand That Will Take Your Career to the Next Level

A strong personal brand goes beyond a few viral posts on LinkedIn; it penetrates corporate walls and opens doors you didn’t even know existed. You’ll learn how to create a strong personal brand, the tools you need and how to get started today!

Joanna-Udo-square.jpg    About the speaker: Joanna Udo

Joanna is an experienced information technology professional on a mission to close the diversity gap in tech.

With over a decade of experience in tech, she’s learned valuable lessons that she uses to help others avoid the mistakes she made, and ultimately propel their career faster than she did. She works tirelessly to increase technology career awareness, debunk stale industry myths, and provide the resources/tools needed to succeed in tech careers.

Juggling life as both an entrepreneur and 9-5’er, Joanna works as a technology manager for a health care organization in Michigan and runs multiple businesses on the side. She considers herself to be a multi-potentialite and believes that we shouldn’t have to choose one career path in a lifetime.


  • Doors open at 11:15 AM.
  • 11:30 AM - Lunch begins
  • 12:00 Noon-1:00 PM - Presentation

PDU: 1.0 (1.0 Leadership)

We are also offering a virtual option for this event for members and those not yet members.
  • Member code for virtual - 2022LunchMember
  • Non member code for virtual - 2022LunchNonMember
The Zoom information will be in your registration confirmation email. 

It is no longer possible to register for this event

It is no longer possible to register for this event


Type of category: Lunch Meetings

Type of activity: Power Skills

Date: May 13th, 2022

Hour: 11:15AM to 1:00PM

Number of PDUs: 1


StandardMember: $30.00

StandardNon-member: $40.00


The University Club

111 Lyon St NW # 1025 | 10th Floor of the Fifth/Third Building
Grand Rapids, MI, 49503