WMPMI's monthly lunchtime meeting is a one-PDU event on a topic from the PMI Talent Triangle. Please contact vppd@wmpmi.org with your questions.
Humans are Hard, Code is Easy
Are you a frustrated developer who feels like they know enough? However, the success you thought you would have is out of reach. You see others who make better strides, but why? Is it a skills gap? Come learn how to set yourself apart as a developer and learn the skills of influence and collaboration.
The speaker: Tom Henricksen
Tom is a problem-solving technology professional. He has worked in various roles in technology for over twenty years. Tom has learned how to solve challenging issues in technology and lead technical teams. He can help you develop those skills too!
- Doors open at 11:15 AM.
- 11:30 AM - Lunch begins
- 12:00 Noon-1:00 PM - Presentation
PDU: 1.0 (Power Skills)
We are also offering a virtual option for this event for members and those not yet members.
The Zoom information will be in your registration confirmation email.
- Member code for virtual - 2022LunchMember
- Non member code for virtual - 2022LunchNonMember
It is no longer possible to register for this event