Power Skills
Ways of Working

WMPMI's monthly virtual breakfast time meeting is a one-PDU event featuring you and other attendees discussing topics from the PMI Talent Triangle. Please contact vppd@wmpmi.org with your questions. 

PMBOK V7, Project Management Day of Service (PMDoS), and PM Offerings in Academia

Hear about:

  • Updates on the 2023 Project Management Day of Service (PMDoS).
  • New PM offerings and volunteer opportunities at Central Michigan University.
  • PMBOK V 7 - how is it being reflected in updated academic training.

Ann-Skinner-headshot.png    About the speaker: Ann Skinner, PhD

Ann, the current PMIGL VP of Outreach, is a seasoned Project Management Professional (PMP) applying her expertise in a major business system deployment at Ally Financial, in Detroit MI. Ann is pursuing her Business Management PhD in the School of Business and Technology, with focus on Project Management. She specializes in either the Start-up/Organization and Deployment of major initiatives. In almost every assignment, there is a large technology change coupled with business demands for reduced cycle time, costs or process re-engineering. Time after time, her Deployment experience has come into play on large projects on a specific implementation time frame. Ann is active in the community, church and local Project Management Institute (PMI) Great Lakes Chapter where she currently serves as Vice President of Outreach. Golf, cooking, walking and snow shoeing are favorite activities when time allows.


  • Grab your morning beverage of choice and log in prior to the start at 8:00 AM.
  • The selection of topics begins at 8:00 AM and discussion ends promptly at 9:00 AM.
  • The Zoom link will be provided prior to the event. 

PDU: 1.0 (Power Skills: 0.5 PDU.  Ways of Working: 0.5 PDU.)

It is no longer possible to register for this event

It is no longer possible to register for this event


Type of category: Breakfast Meetings

Type of activity: Power Skills, Ways of Working

Date: December 16th, 2022

Hour: 8:00AM to 9:00AM

Number of PDUs: 1


StandardMember: $5.00

StandardNon-member: $10.00


Virtual Meeting