Power Skills
Ways of Working
Business Acumen

WMPMI's monthly virtual breakfast time meeting is typically a one-PDU event featuring you and other attendees discussing topics from the PMI Talent Triangle. This one is a special two-PDU event! Please contact vppd@wmpmi.org with your questions. 

Fast Track Your PMO

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn how PMO Setup works
  • Learn tools & techniques to apply CB-PMO Framework
  • Increase your visibility and become recognized within your organization and peer circle
  • Make use of the best practices in PMO and increase the success rate of your projects





Particulars Time - Eastern Presenter
Welcome Address and Introduction 7:30 - 7:40 AM

 James Szymanowski, MBA, PMP, CSPO

WMPMI VP, Professional Development

Intro of PMO Global Institute 7:51 - 8:05

Nadin Krukouskaya

Lead, Events & Accreditation, PMO GI 

Challenges of PMO in Western Michigan 7:51 - 8:05

Kelly Talsma, PMP, MSPM

WMPMI Chapter Member

Speech by CEO of PMO GI 8:06 - 8:10

Abdulla Al Mamun, CB-PMO, PMP, PMI-ACP, CSM, PSM


Session - "Fast Track Your PMO" 8:11 - 8:35

Dr. Tony Prensa, DMI/IST, MBA/TM, PMP, CB-PMO, CCP, ITIL, 6Σ

CEO, Total Business Consulting

A Career in PMO 8:36 - 8:50

Corrine O'Brien

VP, Global Partnerships, PMO GI

Quiz & Contest and Q&A 8:51-9:10

Nadin Krukouskaya

Vote of Thanks 9:11-9:20

James Szymanowski, MBA, PMP, CSPO


Session Benefits:

  • CB-PMO Framework® to all participants - Free!
  • Get access to the largest PMO community
  • Full-year PMO Global Institute memberships - $89 each who will get PMOGuidebook®
    • PMO Global Institute will raffle off 5 free memberships to those that attend
  • 10% discount on PMO GI PMO Certification Program

And as always -

  • Grab your morning beverage of choice and log in prior to the start at 7:30 AM.
  • The selection of topics begins at 7:30 AM and discussion ends promptly at 9:30 AM.
  • The Zoom link will be provided prior to the event.

PDUs: 2.0 (0.5 Power Skills, 0.5 Business Acumen, 1.0 Ways of Working)

It is no longer possible to register for this event

It is no longer possible to register for this event


Type of category: Breakfast Meetings

Type of activity: Power Skills, Ways of Working, Business Acumen

Date: August 24th, 2022

Hour: 7:30AM to 9:30AM

Number of PDUs: 2


StandardMember: $5.00

StandardNon-member: $10.00


Virtual Meeting